This panelist on This Week with George Stephanopoulos points out a severe inconsistency and irony with conservatives’ support of the death penalty.
Is Rand Paul the only Republican attempting to expand the Party? (VIDEO)
Rand Paul’s support crosses many demographics but mostly from those that are young and politically aware. It is not metastatic yet but could become so.
A Black man with an enslaved mind is a dangerous pawn (VIDEO)
Ta-nehesi Coates cannot believe the statements emanating from the enslaved mind of Shelby Steele who is but a pawn to an ideology and a danger to progress.
New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio blasts Democrats for being spineless. Return to Democratic blueprint (VIDEO)
New York City Bill De Blassio came out swinging in his rather calm manner. He did not back down from his comment telling Democrat to get a backbone.
Watch George Stephanopoulos attempt to justify Darren Wilson’s killing of Michael Brown with softball leading interview (VIDEO)
George Stephanopoulos provides a softball interview of Darren Wilson so filled with holes that it is but Wilson’s rehabilitating video.