Watch Lindsey Graham show contempt for Americans as he claims he misses George W. Bush and wishes he was the president in office again.
Tom Brokaw uses history to take down Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim bigotry (VIDEO)
Tom Brokaw uses his piece to illustrate the damage that generally comes about when men like Donald Trump pollute the body politic.
Jeb Bush wants to fight ISIS Obama style (VIDEO)
Jeb Bush and his cohort depend on Americans remaining ignorant like they were during the run up to the Iraq War. Independent media will be there this time.
Bill Maher exposes the biggest fraud on the American taxpayer and soldier (VIDEO)
If we had a real news media the military industrial complex and the warmongers would be unable to lie Americans into a state of perpetual war.
Jeb Bush sounding like his brother with drumbeat to war speech (VIDEO)
Listen to Jeb Bush closely. He wants war. Like his failed brother, he would waste more American lives and money as he takes us to a war that cannot be won.
Transcript of President Obama’s address to the nation on AUMF & ISIL (VIDEO)
Transcript and video of President Obama addressing the nation this afternoon about the Authorization for the Use of Military Force submitted to Congress.
Chuck Todd attempts to twist guest’s words to bash President and fails
Chuck Todd is attempting to create news instead of reporting it. Guest corrects Chuck Todd’s mischaracterization of solely blaming the President ad nauseum.
John Boehner seem to be pushing American boots on the ground in Iraq AGAIN
America is being asked by John Boehner and the President to make a false choice as the drumbeat to war continues. We can do these things instead of war.
Bill Maher most sensible discussion on ISIS–The wrong threat
Bill Maher, a satirist & comedian had one of the most substantive discussions on ISIS / ISIL to date. Every American should watch this one.
Politics Done Right on Coffee Party Radio – War and the Obama derangement syndrome – Sat 12-1PM CST
Politics Done Right discusses the current ISIS / ISIL war & the Obama derangement syndrome. What will it take for the President to get support on anything?