CNN Democratic Commentator and Pundit Karen Finney ( @finneyk ) shocked the panel as she told them her grandmother sounded like Nikki Haley. Finney, a black woman, is a direct descendant of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.
Who Will Confront Trump’s KKK/Gestapo at the Polls This Fall?
“Progressives must overwhelm the polls both with voters and our watchers. Donald Trump will try everything to steal the election”.
Trump comes out swinging in interview defending Charlottesville white nationalists (VIDEO)
Donald Trump decided he was not longer going to toe the line. He decided to channel the white nationalists in his base in an explosive fashion.
Joy-Ann Reid’s poignant message to voters who elected Trump
Joy-ann Reid breaks down the Trump era, that makes it evident to many that America is now at the brink of its loss of excellence and its moral compass.
Hillary Clinton’s speech in Reno, Nevada on Trump’s Alt-Right policies (VIDEO/FULL TRANSCRIPT)
Hillary Clinton gave a major speech in Reno Nevada where she drew connections between Donald Trump, the KKK, Alt-Right, and White Supremacists.
David Duke, ex-KKK Leader threatens GOP ‘a lot of them better be looking over their shoulders’
Ex-KKK David Duke came out in defense of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) attending a White Supremacist gathering with a threat to both Democrats and Republicans.
KKK Imperial Wizard Frank Ancona humbled by Anonymous and backpedals threats (VIDEO)
KKK began singing a non-violent tone in Ferguson after Anonymous started infiltrating the organization’s online. Watch what he says now.
Looks Like A Black Panther KKK Reunion? Its Actually Better
I saw and read this story in complete disbelief. A black man, musician Daryl Davis, in harmony with a hooded KKK klansman? Daryl Davis’ story shows that dialogue can devolve into respect. Respect can devolve into a desire for understanding. Understanding can devolve into enlightenment. And Enlightenment can devolve into friendship. If this guy could […]