Sorry, there was a YouTube error. ABC correspondent, the normally stoic Pierre Thomas, appeared on This Week and pointed out the indignities of racism he has encountered. Pierre Thomas talks about racism Pierre Thomas is always on point and stoic. He simply tells the news always abstracting himself from it. “The majority of law enforcement […]
Media Stoop to ‘Russian Assistance’ to Explain Sanders’ Rise
If the mainstream media is capable of misleading using the same tactics as tabloids, they simply must not be trusted. Independent media is the only solution. #PoliticsDoneRight
Mainstream Media finally sour on Biden. What took so long?
MTP Daily panel finally completely soured on Joe Biden. Interestingly they came to the same conclusion most of the progressive Independent media came to months ago.
Plutocracy uses major newspapers in an attempt to turn public opinion against Medicare for All.
The Medicare for All fight won’t be fair or balanced as we’re take billions of dollars from corporations whose sole existence was tantamount to legal theft.
Bernie supporter or not, mainstream corporate media playing us all.
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Whether one is a Bernie Sanders supporter or not, one should be appalled at a media that consistently misinform viewers on all fronts. There is a narrative the corporate media have developed on Sanders that can be easily dispelled by reality. Unfortunately, with the mainstream media under the control […]
Mainstream media smearing the “unacceptable” Democratic candidates & policies.
We should be very concerned with the short term obsession with Trump by the Democratic establishment. They have learned nothing in the last four years.
Corporate Media Are Here to Warn You: Medicare for All Is a Very Bad Idea
One of the biggest obstacles to Medicare for All will be the the Media playing defense for the Healthcare Industrial Complex. We’ve got to build up Independent Media.
A derelict media is in the process of getting Trump reelected
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. I continue to pull the hairs out of my head that I do not have. The media continue to fall for Trump shenanigans. Instead of being methodical in reporting about him, he dictates their behavior because he knows that they will focus on all the wrong issues. Donald Trump […]
Ocasio-Cortez fights as Mainstream Media try to destroy her by subjective fact-checks: We must have her back
A recent spat between Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler about some statement she made about the minimum wage and a living wage is probative.
Do not allow Mainstream Media mischaracterization of Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test to stand
Progressive bloggers and independent Media must not allow the bad characterization of Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test to go unchecked. They must be called out for being wards of the Plutocracy.