Texas State Senator & Gubernatorial Candidate Wendy Davis was interviewed by Maria Shriver on NBC. Maria Shriver did a great job taking America and specifically Texans through the Wendy Davis story. Specifically she covered her ascent from living as a single mother in poverty in a trailer park to a Harvard scholar and ultimately a […]
Beyonce Joins Gender Equality Debate With Essay For The Shriver Report
I have been hard on Beyonce recently. I wrote this blog post to pretty much agree with Poet/Femenist Christa Bell and feminist educator, writer, & activist Dr. Mako Fitts Ward. They took exception to her new album. In effect they implied she was a pawn to society that plays on women and demeans women. Beyonce […]
From Trailer Park To Harvard To Governor? She Just May Do It (VIDEO)
This week it was revealed that more than half of all Congress members are millionaires. The wealthiest member is Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA). Being wealthy does not inherently make a politician incapable of serving the poor and the middle class. That said, a significant portion of the Republican Congress seems incapable of empathy. While over […]
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maria Shriver Separate: Former California Governor and Wife Will Live Apart – ABC News
Ex-California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver Separate By LEEZEL TANGLAO May 9, 2011 Ex-Calif. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver announced they are "amicably separating," after 25 years of marriage. In a joint statement released Monday night, the couple said they are living apart while "they decide on the future of […]