Have the American politics really come to this? This is reminiscent to third world strategies to mislead an ill-formed population. Republicans continue their unethical and immoral lies about the effects of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) on businesses and jobs. They have released a propaganda kit to instruct their members on how to lie and […]
Washington Fights For Its Own Healthcare–Who Fights For Ours?
A deal was struck. The Obama Administration will allow the federal government to continue paying a large share of the cost of healthcare for members of Congress and their aides. Absent this deal, politicians and their aides would find themselves in the same boat as Americans who work for themselves or have no insurance. They […]
Krugman: ‘Better-informed people on the Right seem, finally to be facing up to a horrible truth’
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has a great analysis in his piece “Republican Health Care Panic”. Before going into the most prescient statement in his piece it is essential to quote his interpretation of what the law does. Inasmuch as it has been explained in many forms, Krugman’s one paragraph puts it more succinctly […]
Thanks Obamacare, Rebate Check In July, Health Exchanges In October
Yesterday I received a rebate check from my insurance company. This rebate came about because of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) that specifically forces health insurance companies to spend no more than 20% on expenses not attributable to healthcare. No longer are they allowed to take your premiums and convert it to profits for shareholders, […]
Watch Two Conservative Ladies Discuss Obamacare. (VIDEO)
Last year before the elections, two Conservative women were watching my daughter and me prepare a CNN iReport on policies affecting students and Americans in general. The two women above were interested in what we were doing and when asked said they had something to say. This morning MSNBC Chuck Todd assessed that the Obama […]
Open Thread (Cruz, Koch Brothers, Hannity, Obamacare, And More)
The President got an Obamacare boost this week by way of New York’s implementation of the exchanges. Will Red State governors relent when they see it working? State insurance regulators say they have approved rates for 2014 that are at least 50 percent lower on average than those currently available in New York. Beginning in […]
Real Doctor Smacks Down Koch Brothers Obamacare Ad (VIDEO)
Could it be that those on the correct side of history (note I did not say the Right side of history) are learning how to fight? Could it be that they are learning not to leave fallacies dangling in the ether to metastasize into the American psyche? Maybe they have. The video below answering the […]
Good News On Obamacare Yet Media Concentrate On GOP Sabotage
It is a fact that implementation of a law as complex as the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) would be slow and complex. It becomes even more complex when there exists a Republican Party that is intent on sabotaging it for fear that it will lead to the creation of a completely new healthcare paradigm. They […]
Obamacare Is Working- Believe Republican Naysayers At Your Peril (VIDEO)
For states that have decided to be proactive and work for the wellbeing of all their citizens and small businesses, the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, is being implemented successfully. There will be bumps but it will be successful where politicians start supporting it as opposed to putting obstacles in its way to attempt to cause […]
Obamacare Deceptions, Voting Rights Act,& Texas Gun Insanity (VIDEO)
. Misinformation is a bad thing. When it comes to healthcare, willful misinformation should be a crime. Today is a bit heavy on Obamacare related links. Misinformation over Obamacare can cost your family’s financial well-being, but most importantly your life. This testimonial is worth sharing. It is what no fear, no worry healthcare feels like. […]