Sorry, there was a YouTube error. When a political party is anathema to fact based information, the American people they serve suffer. Republicans punitively cut the SNAP program. To be sure some Democrats ultimately supported the bill that will cut $90/month to the poor as well. This cut disproportionately affected veterans as their return to […]
GOP Makes Democrats Pay For Failing Middle Class Once More In The Budget Deal
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Democrats cede the moral high ground in budget deal Democrats ceded the moral high ground in the budget deal negotiated last week. Democrats likely believed that the responsible thing to do was to take a minimal deal and live to fight another day. Democrats never seem to understand that […]
Conned by Republicans as Democrats cede In Budget Deal
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. President Obama took a lot of flak when he said “I think Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that, you know, Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not.” Unfortunately that statement is as true then as it is now. […]
Ed Schultz To Traditional Media: Get Off Your Asses And Do Your Job (VIDEO)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Ed Schultz expressed the frustration many are feeling towards the traditional media. There are so many stories out there that are untold. There are so many facts that the media has failed to divulge. The so called Liberal Media or Traditional Media continues to push Right Wing daily talking […]
Reagan OMB Director: Republicans Are Ideological Gangs (VIDEO)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. David Stockman, President Reagan’s director of Office of Management and Budget, is at it again. This time on All In with Chris Hayes he gave a stinging observation of what the Republican Party has become. In effect he defines them as a coalition of ideological gangs. Turns out he […]
GOP Rep Admits Defeat On Fox News: We Are Going To Get Jammed (VIDEO)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. The most irresponsible act is coming to an end. It never stood a chance. Holding the citizens of the United States hostage is never the answer. Americans will never allow themselves to be jammed. Unfortunately the Republican Party allowed its Right Wing Tea Party faction to force it to […]
Two States Find Another Way To Effect Voter Suppression
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. The Supreme Court barred Arizona from requiring proof of citizenship for federal elections. In order to get around that restriction in most of their elections, Arizona is setting up a two tier system. They will have a separate registration system for state and local elections that will require proof […]
Our Political Mess A Result Of False Equivalencies
The two parties do not hold equal blame in the crisis afflicting this country. This article explains how false equivalencies are destroying the country.
Obama: Being Responsible Means Not Caving To GOP Hostage Taking (VIDEO)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. President Obama gave a news conference on the GOP hostage taking a few minutes ago. Most importantly he laid out some facts that he wants American to know. He wants American to understand that the Republican Party are provably the ones that are being intransigent and unreasonable. The president […]
Rachel Maddow: Republican Shutdown Evil And Planned (VIDEO)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Make no mistake, Tea Party Right Wing Republicans have been clamoring for a government shutdown even before they were elected. During the 2010 elections they so debased government with their entire base and with gullible independents that many Tea Party candidates were talking about shutting the whole thing down […]