Politics Done Right with Egberto WilliesSaturday 12:00 Noon Central/1:00 PM Eastern Call In, talk and/or Listen: (646) 929-2495 Listen On Computer/Smartphone Live/Podcast: HERE This week’s showCBO Report and the fallacy Obamacare causes lost jobsThis CBO Report was released this week. It is not a difficult document to read. It was both sad and upsetting to watch the traditional media allow those that oppose Obamacare to lie about the report. What was even sadder was watching the traditional media echoing the lies. Chuck Todd tweeted “CBO essentially reaffirms GOP talking points on health care. Says it will cost jobs, feel as if it raises taxes and contributes to deficit.” It is evident he did not read the report but parroted GOP talking points. Americans deserve better. I was pleasantly surprised that CNN via Carol Costello got the CBO Report right even as Wolf Blitzer was initially hyperventilating. As the week went on it seemed the media realized it was duped and only Fox News continued its modus operandi, lying. Today we discuss the report to set the record straight. Give me a call. Let’s talk. My Blog Posts Of The Week
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