Sorry, there was a YouTube error. When will the callous disregard for human life end? Have those steadfast on obstructing and delaying the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) not understand that they will be causing the suffering and likely deaths of many because of their failed ideology. What do they have to offer […]
Watch Chaplain Lying About Obamacare Obliterated On The Ed Show (VIDEO)
See how Ed Schultz and Fugelsang take down this Chaplain openly lying about Obamacare. They use their power to mislead followers which materially hurt them.
Guys Like This Is What It Will Take To Help Promote Obamacare
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Professor Obamacare I just read a post at DailyKOS about the Affordable Care Act that confirmed much of what I have been saying. If more folks do this, not only will more people understand what Obamacare is attempting to do, they will be instrumental in improving it. This will […]
Obamacare: First Step To Eliminating Immorality That Is Health Insurance
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. To many Liberals, the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was a gift to insurance companies. In fact, many of those in the opposing Obamacare opposed it because it did not go far enough. It was not Medicare for all (single payer) nor did it have a public option. Corporate interest […]
Don’t Blame Obamacare For Job & Insurance Losses, It’s Corporate Greed
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Every American should be tired of taking the brunt of an economic downturn they were not responsible for. Every American should be tired of seeing record corporate profits as wages stagnate or fall. UPS just announced that it will be dropping working spouses who can get insurance from their […]
Rick Perry Begging For Obamacare Even As He Maligns It
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Attribution: Gage Skidmore Big bad macho Texas Governor Rick Perry, the governor that says publicly he won’t take any Obamacare dollars is now begging for these dollars discretely. Politico reports that. Perry health aides are negotiating with the Obama administration on the terms of an optional Obamacare program that […]
Obamacare Working & Those Opposing Will Pay For Their Deception
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is a big bill. I was one of the nerds that read the entire bill and posted the text at my website. I must admit it was not fun and took several days to read. To be clear, because of the manner in which […]
Obama: ‘In The USA Health Insurance Isn’t A Privilege It’s Your Right’ (VIDEO)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Obamacare Will Be Successfully Implemented President Obama came out swinging in this weekend’s weekly address. He made the following necessary and truthful statement. Many Members of Congress, in both parties, are working hard to inform their constituents about these benefits, protections, and affordable plans. But there’s also a group […]
NBC Right Wing Attack On Obamacare Gives Business Immorality Cover (VIDEO)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. NBC News did a disservice to every American in its news reporting on the supposed effects of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) on some small businesses. The story was reported by NBC senior investigative correspondent Lisa Myers. As opposed to doing real investigative reporting NBC chose to use a […]
Obamacare Successful When States Care More For Citizens Than Ideology
States that thus far have decided to implement their own healthcare exchanges and the Obamacare expansion of Medicaid have shown better pricing and cost savings than expected. These states have acknowledged that there is a severe healthcare problem in the United States and that the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is the only program since the […]