Thank you for making three progressive activist endeavors possible this summer, the Democratic National Convention, Netroots Nation, & Coffee Party USA BOD.
Politics Done Right on Coffee Party Radio – The Ebola scare is just the tip of an iceberg – Sat 12-1PM CST
Politics Done Right discusses the Ebola scare. It is much more than one would believe. It is less about Ebola and more about our healthcare system.
Politics Done Right on Coffee Party Radio – Ebola, healthcare, and privilege – Sat 12-1PM CST
Thomas Eric Duncan died this week from Ebola. He is the first person treated in for Ebola in the US that died. We talk Ebola, Healthcare, and Privilege .
Politics Done Right on Coffee Party Radio – Obama finally defends his entire economic record – Sat 12-1PM CST
This week President Obama put on a full throated defense of his economic policies. Politics Done Right will discuss them and why the defense took so long.
Politics Done Right on Coffee Party Radio – War and the Obama derangement syndrome – Sat 12-1PM CST
Politics Done Right discusses the current ISIS / ISIL war & the Obama derangement syndrome. What will it take for the President to get support on anything?
Politics Done Right on Coffee Party Radio – Common sense please, ISIS / ISIL is more hype than threat – Sat 12-1PM CST
Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies Saturday 12:00 Noon Central Call (646) 929-2495 to talk to me live. Stream Live: – Podcast: This week’€™s show Common sense please, ISIS / ISIL is more hype than threat September 13th, 2014 Today we discuss our new war, the ISIS / ISIL war. I think the neocons and […]
Politics Done Right on Coffee Party Radio – Ballot Access and the unconstitutional behavior of Democrats and Republicans – Sat 12-1PM CST
Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies Saturday 12:00 Noon Central Call (646) 929-2495 to talk to me live. Stream Live: – Podcast: This week’€™s show Ballot Access and the unconstitutional behavior of Democrats and Republicans September 6th, 2014 Politics Done Right has a guest host today. I am sure you will enjoy our most opinionated Coffee […]
Politics Done Right on Coffee Party Radio- Is rancher Cliven Bundy a domestic terrorist? Sat 12-1PM CST
Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies Saturday 12:00 Noon Central Call (646) 929-2495 to talk to me live. Listen On Computer/Smartphone Live/Podcast: HERE This week’s show Is rancher Cliven Bundy a domestic terrorist? Cliven Bundy is a rancher in Nevada. He believes the Federal Government is foreign. He does not pay taxes. He does not […]
Coffee Party Radio: Politics Done Right- Why Is The Economy Better Under Democrats? Sat 12-1PM CST
Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies Saturday 12:00 Noon Central Call (646) 929-2495 to talk to me live. Listen On Computer/Smartphone Live/Podcast: HERE This week’s show Why Is The Economy Better Under Democrats? A few weeks ago Chuck Todd interviewed a Princeton economist who did some research on economic performance based on the president in […]
Coffee Party Radio: Politics Done Right- Koch Brothers Respond To Harry Reid Exposure Sat 12-1PM CST
Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies Saturday 12:00 Noon Central Call (646) 929-2495 to talk to me live. Listen On Computer/Smartphone Live/Podcast: HERE This week’s show Koch Brothers Respond To Harry Reid Exposure This week was a bad week for our democracy. The Supreme Court removed the aggregate limit of dollars that anyone can spend […]