Republicans told Americans they lower taxes. They control many cash strapped states and now propose balancing budgets on the backs of the middle class.
This is why Congress cannot relate to the middle class (VIDEO)
Chuck Todd dissects the reason why there is an empathy gap between Congress and the people they serve, the poor and the middle class. This must change.
Obama outperforms Reagan – Best economic President in modern times
There is an article out at Forbes that I had to reread and process before feeling confident enough to blog it. After looking at the numbers myself from The Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS), I figured it was my responsibility to help get this story out. After-all, the traditional mainstream media seem to be […]
Politics Done Right on KPFT 90.1 FM – Should Middle Class be sharpening their pitchforks yet? – Monday 9 PM CST
Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies Tune in Monday 9:00 PM on KPFT 90.1 FM (Houston Area) Live stream: (Entire USA) – Podcasts: Call (713) 526-5738 to talk to me on air. This week’s show September 1st, 2014 Should Middle Class be sharpening their pitchforks yet? Today is labor day. It is a day to […]
Should Middle Class be sharpening their pitchforks yet?
As more of the working poor & middle-class Americans come to the realization that they were had by capitalists/plutocrats, the pitchforks will be sharpened.
President Obama Weekly Address: It’s Time for Congress to Help the Middle Class
Weekly Address: It’s Time for Congress to Help the Middle Class WASHINGTON, DC — In this week’s address, the President discussed the new monthly jobs report and the fact that our economy created over 200,000 new jobs in July for the sixth straight month – the longest streak since 1997. To ensure this momentum can […]
Obama: ‘Middle-class families can’t wait for Republicans in Congress to do stuff. So Sue me!’
President Obama continues middle-class centric attack on do nothing Republicans President Obama continues his trek around the country excoriating an intransigent ‘do nothing’ Congress. He seemed to be relishing in Speaker of the House John Boehner’s threat to sue him. Even though John Boehner is not exactly sure on what grounds he wants to sue […]
Chris Matthews necessarily schooled by Elizabeth Warren’s on politics and the Democratic message
Elizabeth Warren Schools Chris Matthews Senator Elizabeth Warren was interviewed by Chris Matthews on Thursday. After watching that interview one must admit this woman has the fire in her belly to really get things done. Her populist message sounds fresh in that she has a delivery that seems to indicate persistence. She seems to have […]
Middle class slapped again – GOP kills student loan refinance bill
Elizabeth Warren will continue fighting for student loan refinance bill On Monday, President Obama signed an executive order to relieve some pressure off of Americans with burdensome federal student loans. His executive order has a provision that expands the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) program which caps payments of student loans to 10% of the […]
Elizabeth Warren Take On Ted Cruz & Paul Ryan Attacks On Poor & Middle Class (VIDEO)
Elizabeth Warren Says She Is Fighting To Level The Playing Field You won’t see US Senator Elizabeth Warren’s justifiable excoriation of Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz throughout the traditional media. She made the above speech at the 2014 Humphrey-Mondale Dinner that celebrated the 70th Anniversary of the Minnesota DFL Party. She was their guest speaker. […]