Igor Volsky’s ingenuity should be replicated more often. He did not allow NRA owned politicians’ false condolences tweets to go unchallenged.
Watch Bernie Sanders spirited defense of his pro-gun stance & votes (VIDEO)
Bernie Sanders in answering about his pro-gun position is not shy in being blunt whether you agree or not.
Gun control impotency is another failure of the traditional media
Gun control impotency partially driven by a willfully incompetent traditional media How bad is the gun violence in America? NPR’s David Schaper was covering a story about the impoverished Chicago Englewood neighborhood with a reputation for crime and violence. He was interviewing the co-founder of R.A.G.E (Resident Association of Greater Englewood) Asiaha Butler about community […]
Michael Moore on UC Santa Barbara Shootings: “Guns don’t kill people — Americans kill people.”
Michael Moore has nothing more to say Michael Moore even while being out of words had a lot of words to illustrate his disgust, America’s disgust with the state of our gun culture after the Elliot Rodger killings. Remember when Michael Moore once thought that any release of the pictures from the Newton Massacre would […]
Response To 12 Murdered Americans An NRA Coup And Media Disgrace (VIDEO)
The scary thing about this mass murder of twelve Americans by Aaron Alexis is the rather tepid response. The Boston bombing by terrorist Dzhokar Tsarnaev killed three people and was reported ad nauseam. The traditional media captured the severity of the wound inflicted on the American security and psyche. The mass killing by Adam Lanza […]
Kingwood Area Democrats Protesting NRA Convention In Houston, TX (2013-05-04)
Kingwood Area Democrats (KAD) participated in a protest against the NRA at their convention at the George R Brown Convention Center. KAD was well represented by Judith Kirkeeide, Marc Croes, Karen Menke, Deborah Mowrey, Sam Mowrey, and Barbara Madera. Several KAD members were interviewed on Coffee Party Radio Show, Politics Done Right. The interview follows […]
Coffee Party Radio: Politics Done Right w/Egberto Willies– NRA In Houston, America In Decline Sat 12–2PM CST
Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies Saturday 12:00 Noon Central/1:00 PM Eastern Call In, talk and/or Listen: (646) 929-2495 Listen On Computer/Smartphone Live/Podcast: HERE This week’s show The NRA is in Houston this week. I was supposed to join the Bluebonnet Brigade to protest their presence in Houston, their immoral purchase of politicians, and simply […]
Republican Senator’s Lie Destroys A Mother’s Faith
Politicians generally tell many tales bordering on untruths. They however find plausible technicalities to justify their tale not being categorized as a lie. Evidently Republican Senator Jeff Flake did not get the memo. According to ThinkProgress after first responding to Caren Teves’, who lost her son during the Aurora shooting, with a form letter, he […]
Jon Stewart: Politicians Prostituting To NRA. We are Syria, Iran, & North Korea. REALLY! (VIDEO)
Jon Stewart in the video above in four minutes encapsulates the idiocy of the gun debate not only as it applies to Americans but as it applies overseas.
NRA Is Winning And I Told You They Likely Would
When Wayne Lapierre gave his “press conference” a week after the massacre, my initial reaction was that it was bizarre. I immediately wrote a blog post & videoed a CNN iReport titled “NRA’s Wayne Lapierre Press Conference–Love Your Children? Then Arm The Schools (VIDEO Commentary)” stating as much. In the post I said that “The […]