Ben Stein strikes again. For those who believed it was a fluke when just before the election Ben Stein went on Fox News and said there was little correlation between taxes and economic activity, it was not. Ben Stein struck again on Fox News when sitting on a panel he simply tore through Charlie Gasparino […]
Middle Class Americans Broke Because Of Government Policy Dictated By Plutocracy
If one watches CNBC or most financial channels, the impression is given that the free market as the best allocator of resources if left unfettered is the solution to all that ails the country’s economy. This god, the free market, will ensure that productivity and efficiency are rewarded. Additionally ones wage is somehow proportional to […]
Let Us Go Over The Fiscal Cliff And Start Anew
The fiscal cliff negotiation is a scam whose intent is to undermine the intelligence of the American citizens. The fact is that all politicians whether they claim to be Democrats or Republicans are slaves to the military industrial complex, our corporatocracy, and our wealthy. It is for this reason they treat the working person’s income, […]
Anyone That May Receive Social Security Must Read This
The article in Slate titled CPI Unchained by Matthew Yglesias must be read and comprehended by every American that may possibly be depending on receiving Social Security. While the politicians are claiming that the battle over the fiscal cliff will not involve Social Security, every American citizen will need to remain vigilant. It is easy […]