Bill Maher uses recent reported excesses and bad deeds of the rich to justifiably excoriate the sick culture of privileged wealth.
Americans are enslaved by the economic system of a dependent wealthy (VIDEO)
We are enslaved by the economic system of the wealthy. Emancipation begins with the masses learning the truth and then taking control of their destiny.
Most Of The Rich Are Undeserving Of Their Wealth & Income
Are The Rich Really Deserving Of Their Wealth? Paul Krugman wrote a very important article a couple days ago. He titled it “The Underserving Rich.” He starts the article telling the reality that the bottom half of Americans have seen no growth in their wages in the last 30+ years. Worse, some have actually seen their […]
Henry Blodget Now Gets It – Rich People Do Not Create Jobs
Henry Blodget now gets it Anybody remember Henry Blodget? This is the guy whose father was a banker. Henry Blodget is the guy who got a History degree and then went to teach English in Japan. This is the guy who was a freelance journalists and proofreader for Harper’s Magazine that turned into a ‘financial […]
The Rich Owes Government And ‘We The People’ For Their Success
Many in the rich or wealthy class continue to complain about being overtaxed. They do so even as they receive preferential tax treatment. They do not pay social security tax (12.4%) on any of their income above $17,000. The rich make most of their income from capital gains. The working middle class makes most of […]
The Big Lie: America’s Middle Class Far From Richest Middle Class In The World
Yesterday I wrote the blog post titled “Al Gore Questions Capitalism – Decimation of Working Middle Class Missed.” The basic tenet of the article is that the current implementation of capitalism was leaving the middle class behind. I woke up this morning and found the most prescient post on one of my Facebook friend’s wall. […]
Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan – Liberals Really Miss You – REALLY!
This week, February 6th was President Ronald Reagans birthday. Reagan was the charge the Conservative Movement needed in the early 1980s. Just like the country’s malaise ushered a Black President into office before many in the country could cope with it, so did the malaise of 1980 usher Conservative Ronald Reagan into office. President Obama […]
Our Economy Still Faces A Cliff: European-Style Austerity–Learn The Facts
The U.S. Economy shrank for the first time since 2009. There are many technical reasons beyond the scope of this post why the 0.1% drop is not as bad as it may initially seem. That said, this could be a mini-preview of the upcoming cliff. Sequestration, the severe and draconian cuts to both social programs […]
Republican Ben Stein Hits Fox News Lies Again–Raising Taxes On Wealthy Does Not Kill Growth (VIDEO)
Ben Stein strikes again. For those who believed it was a fluke when just before the election Ben Stein went on Fox News and said there was little correlation between taxes and economic activity, it was not. Ben Stein struck again on Fox News when sitting on a panel he simply tore through Charlie Gasparino […]
Let Us Go Over The Fiscal Cliff And Start Anew
The fiscal cliff negotiation is a scam whose intent is to undermine the intelligence of the American citizens. The fact is that all politicians whether they claim to be Democrats or Republicans are slaves to the military industrial complex, our corporatocracy, and our wealthy. It is for this reason they treat the working person’s income, […]