US workers must join union to leverage their power and take their share of economy. It is not a gift or giveaway. Without the worker there is no capital.
Snowed Snowden Snowed Greenwald On His Voyage To Treason (VIDEO)
Many lefties have been jumping onto the Snowden bandwagon without any thought that this is a setup using someone’s own vanity against them. Make no mistake, I am a proud lefty Liberal as we are the ones responsible for an American middle class and expanded access to equality for all (I include both Liberal Republicans, […]
War Hawks Pressuring President Obama Into Syrian Civil War (VIDEO)
President Obama has authorized sending weapons to the Syrian rebels. In other words, the United States has officially entered the Syrian Civil War. It seems that the United States has never found a visible conflict its defense industrial complex was not ready to serve. While it is well known that the president said if Syrian […]
Today’s Rant: Obama’s Term Must Fix Tax Structure To Solve Wealth & Income Inequality (VIDEO)
CNN PRODUCER NOTE EWillies1961 told me, ‘The reality is none of the other issues matter if the decline of the middle class continues. If the decline of the middle class continues immigration is not a problem because no one would want to come here. Gun control won’t matter because the government will be forced to […]
Today’s Rant: Lance Armstrong Was Wrong But Of No Consequence – Get Cheaters That Affect Us All
Our system is very interesting. We are ready to take down athletes that are steroids. We are ready to take down those that have so very little influence on our lives. Yet those that materially affect us like the political class and the titans of finance continue to get our reverence even as many times […]
I Am America: Entrepreneur Egberto Willies – In America – Blogs
I Am America: Entrepreneur Egberto Willies Egberto Willies lives in Kingwood, Texas and is a naturalized U.S. citizen from Panama. He is Black, Hispanic and Caribbean. He is also a husband, a father and political activist who says he believes and lives the American dream. What makes you American? Check out Egberto’s story and […]
My Daughter Ashley Willies Was Featured on CNN/HLN Series ‘I Am America’ (VIDEO)
My daughter submitted an iReport for the “I Am America” series at CNN. She said they wanted to interview her for the iReport submission she made.
2012 Electoral Predictions Made 07/02/2011 – What Do You Think
This is a prediction and bet Evan Carroll & I discussed at Starbucks. It’s public now buddy. Let’s see who comes closer. In the mean time we must not allow the Right to conflate unfettered Capitalism with Free Enterprise. Unfettered Capitalism is killing innovation, the middle class, and the individual from succeeding. Mitt Romney is […]
Racist Atlanta Teachers Giving Racist Homework Must Be Fired
Many times people are unfairly called racist for a Freudian slip or an ignorant statement. I believe we all have some prejudice in us mostly based on ignorance of those we do not know and sometimes because of some innate carnal response that may be built in. That said, as intelligent American citizens living together […]
Republican Debate On NBC – Ineffective Questioning–Unpatriotic Policies
Many complain about the Republican Debates being the same thing over and over again. This must be attributed to the ineptitude of the questioning. There are systemic structural defects in our economy. No one on the stage except for Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman seem to understand them. Unfortunately as conservatives their solutions to some […]