Chuck Todd allowed Mitt Romney the use of Meet the Press for nothing more than a free Republican negative ad against Democrats.
Did Chuck Todd throw colleague under the bus in Rand Paul interview? (VIDEO)
Chuck Todd’s interview was a good ‘ol boy conversation where he effectively gave Rand Paul a platform to redeem his sexism against female journalists.
Chuck Todd displays Right bias as he becomes Jeb Bush’s apologist (VIDEO)
Chuck Todd continues his inconsistent journalistic behavior. This week he decided to allow the Jeb Bush spinners to get their say in absentia.
This is why Congress cannot relate to the middle class (VIDEO)
Chuck Todd dissects the reason why there is an empathy gap between Congress and the people they serve, the poor and the middle class. This must change.
David Gregory schooled on Iraq as he pushes ‘blame Obama’ & drumbeat to war on Meet the Press
David Gregory refuted appropriately by some of his guests It seems like déjà vu on Iraq. David Gregory is doing his part. There is one difference. Previously it was about helping a president who wanted to go to war lie to the American public. Today it is about blaming a president because he does not […]
Meet The Press David Gregory called out by guest for his journalistic blunder and bias
David Gregory continues his bias in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict David Gregory was called out by United Nation Relief and Works Agency spokesman Chris Gunness. David Gregory showed an uncorroborated video of missiles being fired from a UN School that was released by the Israeli government. Chris Gunness told David Gregory it was unfair to ask […]
Watch Conservative Columnist David Brooks tells why ‘the Republican Party still has a monumental problem’
David Brooks explains the fear Republicans have for the Tea Party The Traditional Media may have gotten the message. Today they did not populate the airwaves again with the neocons that were consistently wrong about the Iraq war. They seemed to resort a bit more to doing some reporting instead of cheerleading America back into […]
The Science Guy Scolds Politician On Live TV On Climate Change (VIDEO)
The Science Guy Bill Nye scolded Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) on Meet the Press with David Gregory. Rep. Marsha Blackburn attempted to raise doubts about the consensus that in fact humans are effecting climate change. Rep. Marsha Blackburn started out by saying the following. Well, I think that what you have to do is look […]
David Brooks makes an observation that should scare every Republican (VIDEO)
 Today’s Meet The Press continued the traditional media meme of giving validity to debunked arguments. It continued to give both sides of the interpretation of the CBO Report plausibility. In other words it continues to be the problem that creates misinformed Americans. This week both Jon Stewart (a comedian/satirist) called out the poor reporting […]
Al Sharpton Slaps Revisionists on Mandela. We chose The Wrong Side (VIDEO)
Al Sharpton Stops The Nelson Mandela Sugarcoat Great tributes and exaltations were given to Nelson Mandela on ‘Meet The Press’ today. However, there was an attempt to give the implication that America as whole was supportive of this man. President Obama’s remarks glossed over how vehemently the government of the United States, specifically Conservatives, for […]