Krystal Ball thinks Hillary Clinton’s time has passed. MSNBC’s Krystal Ball gave a compelling case against Hillary Clinton running for the presidency. As a supporter of Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama, it was evident her conclusion pained her. “Back in 2008, when all my peers were jumping on the Obama bandwagon, I backed Hillary,” Krystal […]
Elizabeth Warren Two Minute Message For A Democratic Win (VIDEO)
Within Elizabeth Warren resides the fight Americans have been yearning for. It is the fight every Progressive politician must exude.
Austerity will destroy our country as it has elsewhere. You can stop it.
If one listens to the discourse on both sides of the aisle, one would think that there is not ample evidence that austerity is a failure. It is true that austerity is promoted more forcefully by the Republicans. However, the president, the leader of the Democratic Party, has thrown chain CPI on the table to […]
Bill Maher Gives His Take On Why So Much Hate Today (VIDEO)
Bill Maher is onto something. Then again, this something most sociologists know. When people are hurting they either takes it out on their own communities or it manifests itself against some scapegoat. When Martin Luther King was assassinated folks in the inner cities rioted and destroyed their own neighborhoods. When the police thugs got acquitted […]
America Is A Liberal Nation. A Liberal Wins On A Liberal Message
When Americans are asked if they want Social Security they do not only say they want it, they say they are willing to pay for more. This holds true for both Democrats and Republicans. Most Americans support Medicare and Medicaid uncut or expanding. The Conservative site The Blaze reports in a telling story titled “Bad […]
Midday Open Thread – This Week’s Important Tidbits In Politics (VIDEO)
Paul Krugman recommended this group on his blog Conscience Of A Liberal. I fell in love with the song. Took me back to my times back in Austin Texas. .Should she retire? Amid calls from some liberals that she step down in time for President Obama to name her successor, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said […]
Reverse Mortgages – The Final Blow Killing Middle Class Wealth (VIDEO)
This is why reverse mortgages are no real friend of the working or retiring middle class.
Middle-Class Must Assert Its Worth To Assure Their Share Of America’s Wealth
Working Middle Class must assert its worth & demand its share of America’s wealth stolen by policies instituted by plutocracy purchased politicians.
The Big Lie: America’s Middle Class Far From Richest Middle Class In The World
Yesterday I wrote the blog post titled “Al Gore Questions Capitalism – Decimation of Working Middle Class Missed.” The basic tenet of the article is that the current implementation of capitalism was leaving the middle class behind. I woke up this morning and found the most prescient post on one of my Facebook friend’s wall. […]
Fraud On The Middle Class–The Real Story On Taxes
While we continue to be distracted by manufactured scandals, Middle Class America, Working America, & Poor America continue to get their clocks cleaned. There is real news out there, good and bad. The deficit has fallen much faster than anticipated. Nobody is talking about this with the interest that it deserves. This decline means that […]