Yesterday I read Paul Krugman’s piece titled ‘That Old-Time Whistle’. Of course he meant dog whistle. It is a must read. It really caught my eye because my Sunday DailyKOS front page article was on the same subject. It seems like we ultimately came to the same conclusion. To be able to solve problems one […]
Coffee Party Radio: Politics Done Right – Paul Ryan’s attack on inner city poor affects us all Sat 12-1PM CST
Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies Saturday 12:00 Noon Central/1:00 PM Eastern Call In, talk and/or Listen: (646) 929-2495 Listen On Computer/Smartphone Live/Podcast: HERE This week’s show Paul Ryan’s attack on inner city poor affects us all A few days ago Paul Ryan allowed his deeper thoughts to escape his mouth. He believes poverty is […]
Jon Stewart Schools Fox News On Hypocritical Attack On Poor (VIDEO)
Jon Stewart was none too happy for the blowback he got from Fox News over his skit on their attack on the poor. He was pointing out that they gave the impression that a lot of poor people were gaming the system. He then played a snippet from the show Fox News was upset about. […]
Jack Kingston (R-GA): Make Poor Kids Work For Their School Lunch (VIDEO)
Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) Does Not Understand Poverty There is a fundamental misunderstanding of the poor by a particular faction of the Republican Party. This misunderstanding is a fundamental flaw of the ideology. Humans are not intrinsically evil. They must be programmed that way. This ideology has removed a lot of humanity from otherwise good […]
Bill Maher Gives His Take On Why So Much Hate Today (VIDEO)
Bill Maher is onto something. Then again, this something most sociologists know. When people are hurting they either takes it out on their own communities or it manifests itself against some scapegoat. When Martin Luther King was assassinated folks in the inner cities rioted and destroyed their own neighborhoods. When the police thugs got acquitted […]
The Big Lie: America’s Middle Class Far From Richest Middle Class In The World
Yesterday I wrote the blog post titled “Al Gore Questions Capitalism – Decimation of Working Middle Class Missed.” The basic tenet of the article is that the current implementation of capitalism was leaving the middle class behind. I woke up this morning and found the most prescient post on one of my Facebook friend’s wall. […]
Paul Ryan: To Hell With Election. It Is My Way With Obama Doing My Dirty Work (VIDEO)
Paul Ryan laid down the gauntlet today. He delivered his budget to the people. There is one thing I have always “admired” about this new sect of extreme Right Wing Tea Party Republicans, they have no problem looking into the eye of a reporter, looking into the eye of a camera, looking into the eye […]
Obama Falling Into Trap Again–It’s Not The Debt–New Occupy Movement Needed
Middle Class and Poor America must be climbing the walls. President Obama ran a middle class centric campaign and won handedly. He not only won the election but he added to the Senate and the House. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan’s policies were soundly rejected. President Obama’s 2nd Inaugural Speech gave the impression that he […]
Coffee Party Radio: Politics Done Right w/Egberto Willies–Does America Need A Hugo Chavez Sat 12–2PM CST
Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies Saturday 12:00 Noon Central/1:00 PM Eastern Call In, talk and/or Listen: (646) 929-2495 Listen On Computer/Smartphone Live/Podcast: HERE This week’s show Hugo Chavez died on Tuesday. I did an iReport for CNN and wrote the blog post “Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez Dead: Hero Of The Poor And Middle Class In […]
The Annihilation Of A Dangerous Dysfunctional Republican Party To Save America?
It is not generally said verbally by the leaders in the Obama administration. It is not generally mentioned overtly on the television though fairly smart commentators on both sides of the aisle have understood it from the time the President gave his 2012 acceptance speech, his inaugural speech, and his State Of The Union Speech. […]