Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II afforded Politics Done Right a great conversation on those practicing religion according to Trump.
Evangelical Pastor quits religion altogether. “I am not a Christian anymore.”
I hope this pastor goes on tour and let folks know the inner-workings of the Evangelical Christian Industrial complex. The pain they have caused on the world is unforgivable.
Evangelical Christians rallying behind Donald Trump, poll finds
White evangelicals in key conservative voting bloc support Trump even more than they did Republican Mitt Romney in 2012, Pew finds
Abortion ban linked to dangerous miscarriages at Catholic hospital, report claims
5 women suffered prolonged miscarriages, severe infections & emotional trauma at hospital when staff neglected patients’ health to uphold anti abortion stance.
THE CRUMBLING WALL: Religion in Today’s Presidential Politics – An evening with John Nichols
Mr. John Nichols will discuss the role of religion in presidential politics. Are we closer to Kennedy’s vision, or are we slipping further away?
Rand Paul turns the table on Jon Stewart. Really! (VIDEO)
Why was Jon Stewart so easy on Rand Paul? Stewart allowed Paul to get the upper hand with rather weak arguments.
Why the SCOTUS Decision in Hobby Lobby Should Scare Us All
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Coffee Party USA member Mindy Smoak sent me an essay/article she wrote after the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court case debacle. “As a Coffee Party member, I am just sharing my opinion and voice,” Mindy Smoak said, “hoping it can provide some thought and ideas.” I get a lot of […]
Bill Maher Most Vicious Slam Of Religion To Date. Cool it Bill! (VIDEO)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. I watched Real Time with Bill Maher last night. As usual I found it very entertaining. He had an intelligent cadre of guests. Appearing were author of The Satanic Verses: A Novel Salmon Rushdie, author of Countdown: Our Last, Best Hope for a Future on Earth? Alan Weisman, Seth […]
Bill Maher Schooled By His Own Guest For His Ignorant Statements on Muslim Violence & Islam (VIDEO)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. I am not always in agreement with Glenn Greenwald simply because sometimes he takes the Liberal or Progressive viewpoint to the level of silliness like some on the Right. His analysis in general however is usually spot on. The exchange he had with Bill Maher was a classic in […]