President Obama gives an impassioned speech in support of the Iran nuclear agreement negotiated by Secretary John Kerry and the other P5+1 partners.
Whether it is Iran or Venezuela it is always about war and oil
Senator Tom Cotton and forty six Republicans attempted to sabotage the the President of the US and his negotiations with Iran. Did it really fail?
Sen Dianne Feinstein – ‘What Prime Minister Netanyahu did here was something that no ally of the US would have done’ (VIDEO)
Senator Dianne Feinstein did not have any kind words for the Israeli warmongering bully Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He is not a United States ally.
Jon Stewart ridicules pandering to Israel’s always wrong warmongering Prime Minister (VIDEO)
Jon Stewart unlike many in the news media was not fooled by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He shows with old video how wrong the PM has been.
Politics Done Right on Coffee Party Radio – War and the Obama derangement syndrome – Sat 12-1PM CST
Politics Done Right discusses the current ISIS / ISIL war & the Obama derangement syndrome. What will it take for the President to get support on anything?
Politics Done Right on Coffee Party Radio – Common sense please, ISIS / ISIL is more hype than threat – Sat 12-1PM CST
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies Saturday 12:00 Noon Central Call (646) 929-2495 to talk to me live. Stream Live: – Podcast: This week’€™s show Common sense please, ISIS / ISIL is more hype than threat September 13th, 2014 Today we discuss our new war, the ISIS / ISIL […]
President Obama Addresses the Nation on the ISIS / ISIL Threat
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. President Obama Addresses the Nation on the ISIS / ISIL Threat My fellow Americans — tonight, I want to speak to you about what the United States will do with our friends and allies to degrade and ultimately destroy the terrorist group known as ISIL. As commander-in-chief, my highest […]
Jon Stewart illustrates the ineptitude of ISIS intervention (VIDEO)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Jon Stewart’s message is rather complex – One hopes it penetrates There are subtle messages in this Jon Stewart skit that one hopes gets into the cerebral cortex of Americans. If this new war America is about to embark on wasn’t so disastrous in more ways than one, this […]
See Why Jon Stewart Said ‘Congress Is The Justin Bieber of Our Government’ (VIDEO)
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Jon Stewart hit a home run today with one of his best satirical analysis of Congress. At first it seemed he was going to make fun of the shallowness of the Traditional Media. Ultimately it was the childishness of Congress that got his wrath. He starts with relaying two […]
David Plouffe And Chris Cillizza scolds GOP Sen John Cornyn Iran talk
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. Iran Accords Battle Republican Senator John Cornyn responded to the President Obama’s new success story, the Iran nuclear accords with the following tweet. As usual, he tries to conflate every Obama policy, statement, or accomplishment with the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare. Amazing what WH will do to distract attention […]