John Stewart calls out government and reporters on the Robert Bergdahl story Jon Stewart does it again. He shows the news media as well as politicians making a mockery out of people’s lives for an ulterior motive. He shows how the release of Robert Bergdahl from the Taliban went from ‘A Magnificent Wonderful Story’ to […]
Jorge Ramos slams news media on Bill O’Reilly ‘Not Professional’
Jorge Ramos slams American news media Jorge Ramos did not have kind words of neither the American news media in general nor Bill O’Reilly in particular. His challenge to the press is to be more transparent and hard-hitting irrespective of party. Jorge Ramos believes news media journalists should keep their distance from politicians. Jorge Ramos […]
Are the Traditional Media oblivious to the mid-term narrative that is falling apart?
Force fitting a false mid-term narrative A democracy requires a free independent press. The 1st Amendment of the constitution codifies that right. Unfortunately while the press represented by the traditional media has the right to be free, it has chosen indentured servitude to the American plutocracy. There are severe dangers to this eventuality. Specifically the […]
Jon Stewart: See Who The Media Declare As The Thug – A Classic (VIDEO)
Stanford Educated Never Arrested Richard Sherman A Thug For Speaking Loudly Jon Stewart has been making an important point over the last two weeks. The point applies to many unrelated issues but have a material effect on people’s lives directly and indirectly. Last week he ridiculed MSNBC for a cut away from a substantive NSA […]
This Blogger Smoked Out Traditional Media Manufactured Obamacare Lies
Common knowledge to those who follow the ins and outs of Obamacare is that there is an industry out there to destroy it at all cost. The traditional media has been the major conduit of the lies and misinformation. Corporate traditional media continues to mislead and misinform. It isn’t only the smaller media outlets that […]
Why You Must Not Lose Sleep Over Obamacare’s Problems Will Be OK. Medicare Drug Plan Had Problems And Now Loved Major new government initiatives always begin with major kinks. This is not new. It is for this reason that the response to the website glitches is so disconcerting. It is expected that the Right Wing Tea Party sect of the Republican Party […]
Texans Under Informed & Misinformed Because Of Derelict Press
After spending the last 13 hours driving to the State Capitol in Austin, TX with fellow Texans, participating in the “Stand Up For Women Rally” which had an attendance way in excess of 5,000 Texans, and driving back to Houston, it was with amazement that the following was the front page of ABC Channel 13. […]
NBC David Gregory Admits Washington Press Does Not Like President Obama (VIDEO)
For too long many have allowed the Right Wing Echo Chamber that includes Rush Limbaugh, the talking heads at Fox News, and others to lay the false foundation that the media was somehow a shill for President Obama and his administration. It is unlikely that the Obama administration ever thought that. After all, this supposedly […]
Coffee Party Radio: Politics Done Right w/Egberto Willies–Sequester To The Pope Sat 12–2PM CST
Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies Saturday 12:00 Noon Central/1:00 PM Eastern Call In, talk and/or Listen: (646) 929-2495 Listen On Computer/Smartphone Live/Podcast: HERE This week’s show This week we will talk about the Pope’s resignation, its media coverage, and the dereliction of the media’s handling of the sequester, The formative blog post to be […]
America Deserves Better News: Sequester Pope Coverage And Cover the Sequester Effectively
It is understood that the Pope matters to 1.5 billion Catholics and likely many others. The Pope has abdicated his papacy. Cardinals will be getting together in the next few days to start a process to elect a new Pope. There will be little real news on that event in the near term. Media providing […]