Who could forget the Rant from Rick Santelli. There he was on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange at some trading desk ranting against the Obama administration pondering helping those with ridiculously high mortgages. He claimed that doing so would encourage bad behavior. He then solicits a response from fat car traders. Afterwards he states these traders […]
This Is Why Ted Cruz Will Continue Holding America Hostage (VIDEO)
Ted Cruz actually has a constituency that continues to support his policies (or lack thereof) and tactics. This does not bode well for cooperation in government in the near term. Leaders need to lead. Holding America Hostage The people in the video snippet seem to be good people who love America. Listening to them show […]
GOP Rep Admits Defeat On Fox News: We Are Going To Get Jammed (VIDEO)
The most irresponsible act is coming to an end. It never stood a chance. Holding the citizens of the United States hostage is never the answer. Americans will never allow themselves to be jammed. Unfortunately the Republican Party allowed its Right Wing Tea Party faction to force it to be ‘jammed’ by the more sensible […]
Koch Brothers Abandon Tea Party Government Shutdown Strategy
The Koch Brothers are crying uncle. They have abandoned the Tea Party government shutdown strategy. In fact they make the claim in their letter (the entire letter can be found below) that, Koch has not taken a position on the legislative tactic of tying the continuing resolution to defunding ObamaCare nor have we lobbied on […]
Krystal Ball Parodies No Government Loving GOP Tea Party Fanatics (VIDEO)
On the day Republicans shutdown the United States Government, Krystal Ball writes a parody that is at first extremely funny. It is so funny her cohorts on The Cycle cannot contain themselves. The issues she addresses are so basic and serious one cannot help but laugh in desperation that in fact a small fraction of […]
Rachel Maddow: Republican Shutdown Evil And Planned (VIDEO)
Make no mistake, Tea Party Right Wing Republicans have been clamoring for a government shutdown even before they were elected. During the 2010 elections they so debased government with their entire base and with gullible independents that many Tea Party candidates were talking about shutting the whole thing down while their voters (fans) cheered. Of […]
Interview With A Delusional Black Tea Party Fanatic (VIDEO)
This interview with a Black Tea Party fanatic will blow your mind. The level of delusion and indoctrination is frightening.
The Tea Party Formed Unholy Alliance With The Left
It was bound to happen. Right Wing groups that continue to be used by organizations like Americans For Progress (AFP) and Freedom Works to do their dirty works sometimes wake up to do what is best not only for their best interest but for society at large. It is the thing that the American Plutocracy […]
Bill Maher: Ronald Reagan No Different Than Today’s Tea Party (VIDEO)
Ronald Reagan was Tea Party? Bill Maher started his New Rule with a quote from a Bob Dole interview. Dole said the Republican Party had become a party of idea free ideologues who obstructed too much. He also stated that Ronald Reagan himself could not have made it as a Republican. Bill Maher took exception […]
If Liberals Can’t (Wo) man-up On IRS ‘Scandal’ Middle Class Doomed
America needs strong leaders. America needs leaders that are willing to stand up for an ideology that shamelessly looks out for the middle class and the poor. America needs strong leaders that do not allow the striving for true moral values to be framed as a weakness . America needs strong leaders that will not […]